Troller’s Gill
Impulse Responses
Acoustic Parameters
Impulse responses measured around the limestone gorge known as Troller’s Gill in the Yorkshire Dales. Site 1 is a wide V-shape valley with hills either side, found at the co-ordinates: 54.054264, -1.900317. Site 2 is a small U-shape valley (the limestone gauge itself) with steep cliffs either side, found at the co-ordinates: 54.052596, -1.896829. Finally, site 3 is the open area at the bottom of Troller’s Gill, found at the co-ordinates: 54.051784, -1.896455. Diagramas describing each site can be found under the Images tab. For each site there are two sets of impulse responses: One is made with a single directional sound source (IR-1), and the other is made with an array of four directional sound sources pointing in different directions in an attempt to better approximate an omni-directional source (IR-2). In each case the soundfield microphone is pointed directly at the loudspeaker.
Measurement Team:
Andrew Chadwick
Simon Shelley
Capture Date:
Tue, 09/07/2013
Source Sound:
Swept Sine; 22 Hz – 22 kHz ; 30-60 Seconds
Source Sound Category:
Swept sine (logarithmic)
Genelec 8130A
Soundfield ST450 kit
Space Category:
Open Air
Generation Type:
Real World
Related Links:
Impulse Responses
Waveform Example
This is the W-channel of the B-format impulse response measured at Site 2 using the four-way loudspeaker array. The file has been truncated and processed by fading out the signal when the reverb tail reaches the noise floor.
Audio Examples
Anechoic voice
Acoustic Parameters
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