
The aim of the Open Acoustic Impulse Response (Open AIR) Library is to provide a centralized, feature rich and future proof on-line resource for anyone interested in auralization and acoustical impulse response data. For example it may be useful for researchers to quickly compare impulse responses recorded using different approaches, for developers of game audio wanting to recreate the acoustic environment of a specific building, or for musical composers looking for a desirable reverberation effect.

Most of the content on this site is released under Creative Commons licenses. For more details about the Creative Commons licenses see the Creative Commons website. Information about the licensing of specific content can be found by scrolling to the bottom of that content’s pages. Users can choose the licensing for content when they post the content to the website. Any one of the Creative Commons licenses can be chosen, or if necessary the user can choose to reserve all rights for the content.

At the focus of this resource there is an online database of acoustical data, which is open to all visitors and is designed to be easy to use. Open AIR users are offered a number of ways by which to interrogate the data, for example using a keyword search, or by searching by location on a graphical map. In order to audition the acoustical data, users of the database are able to listen to each impulse response either directly, or convolved with an example sound, which is automatically generated.

This work has been supported by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) grant number AH/H036938/1. Each year the AHRC provides funding from the Government to support research and postgraduate study in the arts and humanities. Only applications of the highest quality are funded and the range of research supported by this investment of public funds not only provides social and cultural benefits but also contributes to the economic success of the UK. For further information on the AHRC, please go to: www.ahrc.ac.uk

The Open AIR Library is developed and maintained by:

Damian Murphy and Frank Stevens
Audiolab, Department of Electronics, University of York

If you would like to contribute any material to the database, or have any suggestions, please email us with the subject OPENAIR ENQUIRY:



The Open AIR Library is supported by: