Lady Chapel, St Albans Cathedral
Impulse Responses
Acoustic Parameters
This data consists of 2 sets of impulse responses measured in the Lady Chapel at St Albans Cathedral. Measurements were taken at two different source and receiver positions, A and B. The positions of the sources and receivers for the two configurations, A and B, can be are described in the attached diagram. Each set consists of a 4 channel B-format response, a 2-channel ORTF stereo response, a 2-channel binaural stereo response and a 5-channel discrete microphone response (5.0) based on the Williams MMA microphone technique. Construction of the cathedral was started by the Normans in 1077 and hundreds of years of construction have resulted in a mixture of different architectural styles. The Lady Chapel is an example of architecture from the Decorated Gothic Period and was completed in 1327.
Measurement Team:
Marcin Gorzel
Gavin Kearney
Aglaia Foteinou
Sorrel Hoare
Simon Shelley
Capture Date:
Thu, 19/08/2010
Source Sound:
Log swept sine; 20 Hz – 22 kHz; 10 Seconds; 44100 Hz
Source Sound Category:
Swept sine (logarithmic)
Genelec S30D digital monitoring system
Neumann KM 140 cardioid microphone
Soundfield SPS422B microphone system
Space Category:
Generation Type:
Real World
Related Links:
Impulse Responses
Waveform Example
The impulse response used for analysis is the W-channel from the B-format recording made at source-receiver position A.
Audio Examples
Anechoic voice
Convolved voice
Anechoic drums
Convolved drums
Acoustic Parameters
Attribute this work to:
Audiolab, University of York
Marcin Gorzel
Gavin Kearney
Aglaia Foteinou
Sorrel Hoare
Simon Shelley
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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