Genesis 6 Studio – Live Room Drum Set Up
Impulse Responses
Acoustic Parameters
Genesis 6 building is located within the York University Campus and is home to the Department of Electronic Engineering Audio Lab. Within this building is a large recording studio which consists of a control room and live recoding room which is used for teaching, researching and other academic practices. The live room is acoustically treated with 12 panels. Each panel consists of an MDF wooden frame and is filled with Rockwool acoustic insulation. Rockwool absorbs noise and reduces acoustic reflections by impeding sound transmission throughout the structure of the fibers, with the panels placed on the wall to absorb both upper and lower frequencies. Despite the low reverberation time caused by the acoustic treatment, the data collected was done so to recreate a 5 piece drum set setup within the space. In total there are 8 omi-directional Impulse Responses (IRs) each directly relating to a specific drum or cymbal, with their own individual location and height. Each drum piece source position was done so using a Swept Sine of 20Hz – 22kHz lasting 10 seconds, this was repeated four times in different directions. This process was used to capture the omnidirectional sound that the drum set would produce. The microphone receiver was positioned directly in front of the kick position and was set at ear level to simulate a listener being in the room.
Measurement Team:
Daniel Johnston
Panagiotis Kompotis
Capture Date:
Fri, 17/02/2017
35.2 m³
Source Sound:
Swept Sine 20 Hz – 22 kHz 10 Seconds
Source Sound Category:
Swept sine (logarithmic)
Genelec 8040
Soundfield ST350 Kit
Space Category:
Recording Studio
Generation Type:
Real World
Impulse Responses
Waveform Example
The data provided for this analysis is a sum of all 8 omi-directional impulse responses (IR) taken at the various drum positions. This cumulative IR provides an average spatial reading for the Genesis 6 live room.
Audio Examples
Anechoic voice
Convolved voice
Anechoic drums
Convolved drums
Acoustic Parameters
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