Abies Grandis Forest, Wheldrake Wood
Impulse Responses
Acoustic Parameters
Impulse responses recorded in an Abies Grandis forest in Wheldrake Wood, York. This forest environment is dominated by tree trunks, with over 100 trees within this area. The tree trunks are relatively tall, straight and cylindrical with different diameters. Most branches and leaves are located above the height of the ear. The ground surface is relatively flat with no additional low plantations. There were 2 sources and 2 receivers selected within a 20-metre-square measurement range. Source 1 was selected with clear sight to Receiver 1 and Receiver 2. Source 2 was selected with a tree obstructed to both receivers. The sine sweeps were recorded with an array of four directional sound sources pointing in different directions.
Measurement Team:
Sinuo Feng
Frank Stevens
Andrew Chadwick
Richie Cully
Capture Date:
Thu, 22/06/2023
Source Sound:
Swept Sine; 60 Hz – 20 kHz ; 15 seconds
Source Sound Category:
Swept sine (logarithmic)
Genelec 8130A digital loudspeaker
Soundfield ST450 MkII microphone, Earthworks M30 microphone
Space Category:
Open Air
Generation Type:
Real World
Related Links:
Impulse Responses
Waveform Example
This is the impulse response measured with the M30 microphone at position S1R2 using the combination of four loudspeaker orientations.
Audio Examples
Anechoic voice
Acoustic Parameters
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